°ÄÃÅÆßÐÇͼ is free to read, but not free to produce. We need your help.

Every day, °ÄÃÅÆßÐÇͼ creates a first-rate news report for the benefit of you, our readers. But it costs money to pay salaries, to fund reporting trips, to produce high-quality videos. Other publications erect paywalls, or fill their sites with annoying pop-up ads. But we’re not interested in blocking anyone’s access. That’s why we need you to become a member of °ÄÃÅÆßÐÇͼ and to donate generously. Our future counts on it.

Other Ways to Support °ÄÃÅÆßÐÇͼ

Corporate Matching Gifts

Many employers will match donations that their staff members make to charitable organizations. Please ask your employer if there is a matching gifts program so that you can maximize the impact of your donation.

Donor Advised Funds

Donor Advised Funds (DAFs) are an easy and convenient option to support the work of °ÄÃÅÆßÐÇͼ. Please contact our publisher, Jim Roberts, (publisher@the74million.org) to make your gift via DAF.


Who Supports °ÄÃÅÆßÐÇͼ?

As a nonprofit news organization, °ÄÃÅÆßÐÇͼ is supported by donations from foundations, corporate sponsors and individuals. Donors do not dictate editorial coverage and understand that °ÄÃÅÆßÐÇͼ may sometimes publish content that does not reflect their views or preferences. Our stories will include a disclosure when we write about organizations supported by our donors or by members of our board.

Will you take a check?

Absolutely! Just mail your donation to:

°ÄÃÅÆßÐÇͼ, Inc
222 Broadway, 22nd Floor
New York, NY 10038

What does it mean to be a member of °ÄÃÅÆßÐÇͼ?

Being a member means you have decided to take a proactive step in support of the non-profit journalism that °ÄÃÅÆßÐÇͼ publishes every day. It means you recognize the need for an independent, nonpartisan publication about the most important topics affecting the education of America’s 74 million children. A donation to °ÄÃÅÆßÐÇͼ automatically makes you a member for the following 12 months.

What’s best? Monthly, yearly or one-time donations?

We prefer that donors use their credit cards to give , as that allows us to more predictably plan our annual budgets. But we happily accept one-time gifts as well. And no matter what you are able to give, we are enormously grateful to all of our donors. Our Development Director, Dena Wilson, can answer further questions by email: dena@the74million.org

How do corporate sponsorships work?

For companies that are in the education space, °ÄÃÅÆßÐÇͼ offers sponsorship packages for our daily newsletter. The packages give your company advertising positions on the newsletter and other opportunities to show your support for our journalism. °ÄÃÅÆßÐÇͼ’s Publisher, Jim Roberts, can help explain the options. Just shoot him an email at publisher@the74million.org.

From Our Members:

“I rely on °ÄÃÅÆßÐÇͼ to stay current on the pressing education-related issues of the day.â€

Bob Saffold

Senior Fellow, Smarter Learning Group

“I am a retired financial services CEO who has been involved with Minneapolis K-12 education reform for over 15 years. I find that the 74 is by far the best source of quality education reporting.â€

Addison (Tad) Piper

“I really appreciate all the reporting °ÄÃÅÆßÐÇͼ does. Sometimes as a parent, we feel in the minority — especially those of us with kids under 5. Thanks to you and your team for all they do: the reporting and the stories are paramount for us as parents of school-aged children. … I think every administrator, teacher and parent should have °ÄÃÅÆßÐÇͼ bookmarked!â€

Rory Glaeseman

Massachusetts parent

“°ÄÃÅÆßÐÇͼ provides just the sort of smart, in-depth, nuanced reporting and analysis of education that we need. Whether it is covering an issue few know about or providing a unique look at a well-worn topic, °ÄÃÅÆßÐÇͼ is a must-read for those committed to improving teaching and learning.â€

Patrick Riccards